Our annual club regatta takes place in this coming weekend August 24th and 25th and you can book your place online here. This will include the Wayfarer National Irish Championship so there will be great competition on the water. Full details of the Notice of Race and Sailing instructions will be up on the club website later this week. If you are sailing then please make sure to book in so we can cater for the numbers attending. books and payment here https://cullaunsailingclub.clubforce.com/products/membership
NOR – Notice of Race Cullaun Club Regatta 2024
SI – Sailing Instructions Cullaun Club Regatta 2024

Looking for something different to do this weekend then why not call down to Cullaun Sailing club where you can go for a spin in a powerboat or go for a sail
Bookings can be made here for Try Sailing with HER outdoors week. The cost for this is ten euro and all proceeds go to the RNLI for the great work that they do. https://cullaunsailingclub.clubforce.com/products/membership pick a time slot that suits you and go for a sail or a spin in the powerboat this Sunday 18th August

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