Adult Beginner Sail Training Courses 2024

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Training Course for beginner sailors for 4 Tuesday nights from 18.30 - 21.00. Learn how to rig and sail a boat around Cullaun Sailing Club

4 Tuesday Evenings

Course One.

May 7h, 14th, 21rd, 28th 

Course Two.

June 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th.

Location -

Cullaun Sailing Club


Tuesday 6pm to 9pm


€ 120 PP for 4 Tuesday Evenings

Check out our Club Training Boats Here

If you would like to try sailing with in a fun relaxed and safe environment this is for you.
Each spring and summer at the club, we run adult training evenings for adults who are interested in learning to sail. All ages.

Bring a friend. This course will introduce you to the basic boat handling techniques & background knowledge necessary to get you started .

The aim of this course is to provide a brief introduction to sailing for novices. By the end of the course, participants will have had a short introduction to the sport of sailing, including basic boat handling techniques and essential background knowledge.

Wetsuit and Suitable footwear required, Buoyancy aids provided by the club.

Bring a Friend 

Any queries please do not hesitate to contact us